Monday 29 April 2013

The Beginning of Fallbur

This is the quick telling of my nickname and in turn, my blog name;

I awoke one night at 1:30 am. Now usually I am a very heavy sleeper, considering only two years ago while living at my mother’s house, I slept through the smoke detector, the sewer alarm, and a shot gun blast that my step dad shot off to scare off the coyotes. Anyways that night I must have been dreaming of dogs. Ever since I started living on my own throughout college and now in a major city with my first real job, I have always wanted a dog. I heard the click clack of dogs nails on the hardwood floor of my house in my semi sleeping state. I believed that my roommate had someone over who in turn brought their dog. Even in the middle of the night I wasn’t going to allow a dog to be in my house without me getting to pet and play with said dog. 

I drug myself out of sleep and a nice warm comfortable bed and into the living room at 1:30 in the morning to find the dog. I saw my roommate sitting on the couch watching TV. To my dismay, there was no dog in sight. So I asked, “Is there a dog here?” My roommate and landlord Dustin looked at my crossways and replied, “Why would there be any animal in the house in the middle of the night?” Well that wasn’t what I wanted to hear. However I just got myself a glass of water and went back to bed. I laid down, shut off my bedside lamp and began to think. 

My mother and many other people have told me that the best way to fall asleep is to empty your mind and not think of anything, just the deep black space of nothingness. That has never worked for me, since I diagnosed myself with slight ADD and can never empty my mind, so I think of a hundred different topics before I can ever sleep. The thoughts become debates, debates turn into discussion, discussions turn into memories, memories eventually turn into dreams. But for some unknown reason this night of all nights I could not fall back to sleep. I continued to lie there since I had work the following day hoping that the sandman would eventually make his way back to me and lead me into the land of dreams. In these wee hours of the morning, with dogs still on my mind I began to think of names of my future dogs. One thing you should know about me is that I am not a small dog person. I love my big dogs, the bigger the better. If someone is to get a small dog, why not just get a cat? That’s my two cents, but if I were ever to get a small dog especially a small fur ball of a dog then I would have to name it Fallbur, taking the first letter of Fur and switching it with the first letter of Ball to get the most awesomeness name ever! Unfortunately this thought should have stayed with me but the following day I was working closely with my boss and my sleep deprived brain thought I should tell him of these random stray thoughts of mine from the previous morning. He got a kick out of that statement and would not drop it even though I was slightly embarrassed by this statement. Only slightly however and from that day on my boss took it upon himself to let everyone at the office know that from now on I was to be called by Fallbur. Even my personal files at work are now renamed. And that is how FallBur got her name.