Wednesday 14 August 2013

Books, I curse Thee!!

In every book I read, there is always a hero or a heroine that go on some grand adventure. They are always portrayed as your typical girl next door or jock boy, in junior novels and in adult fiction they have some no account job that they are generally happy with and are content with their subdued lives in suburbia. Then the lead role some how ends up going no the adventure of a life time, accomplish death defying acts and some how still get the girl. They get sucked into some secret service that protects the world and they hold the key to do just that. Or some orphan kid just happens to get away from the oppressive foster home and all of a sudden they have super powers that they use to protect the helpless citizens of whatever make believe city they happen to reside in.

Majority of the time the protagonist wish that they could go back to their old simple life where nothing exciting ever occurs. I repeat, they wish for their mundane lives! 

I call bullshit. I can't be the only one out there that wishes that they could be the star of the book, movie or video game. I would trade just about anything to have the adventure of a life time, to go from my boring routine life of; work, watch tv, shower bed, repeat. to be unexpectedly called forth to go fight some aliens in the deep dark space at the edge of the universe, to help discover the murderer of some gruesome homicide, find out that you got bit my a dog that was undergoing some experimental treatment and now find out that you have the ability to shape shift! I mean come on! Who wouldn't want to do something that would be so worth while? 

I know that there are a lot of people who say that if you want adventure just look for it in every day life, or create your own experiences. but when you have to do all the planning of your grand "Adventure of a Lifetime" well it doesn't seem as fun as if it was all spontaneous considering you know how long you've had to work to get the money to go to that far off exotic place for that adventure to begin, and the fact you know you can only stay for so long because the real world is still out there with bills that need to be payed and you can't stay out in your dream world forever. 

So what I say to all those characters is: man up and have some fun! Remember that there are billions of people who want that very thing to happen to their life because we are just so sick of the routine that makes up our lives. And to the authors and writers out there, let your characters have fun! Not everything has to be doom and gloom! 

I just hope that one day I hope that my mundane life will end and the adventure that I've read about all my life will come to seek me out….

Let me just say one more time, Books, I curse thee!