Thursday 17 October 2013

First Message

I have now succumbed to online dating. I signed up just last night after hearing that a close friend did it. I feel so inept at meeting and conversing with people my own age that I now have to rely on the internet to find the "perfect match" as the website claims. I feel  a bit embarrassed to have to admit that yes, I do have a problem speaking to the opposite sex, especially when it's a hot guy. I just feel like, when I open my mouth something idiotic is bound to come flowing out and that will turn into word vomit and then he will be thinking "What the hell is this girl talking about?" Then he will make some lame excuse just to get away from the crazy chick.

That is how that scenario happens in my mind and a couple times have happened in real life as well. Talking to 40 year olds however is a piece of cake. Or the 70 year farmer. Maybe in the back of my mind I know I don't need to impress them and hence I can talk to them.

Oh well. This is the 21st century, the age of technology. They say that 1 out of 5 relationships now start online. I shouldn't have to feel embarrassed by this. I'm just stuck in the past with my romantic ideas that one day I will meet my soul mate at the coffee shop or bump into him on the street, it will be a coincidence and love at first site. Maybe the saying should be love at first message.