Wednesday 26 February 2014

Keys and Trucks

Once upon a time, there was a young adult. She had a job that consumed most of her time and started quite early in the morning since the job required her to drive sometimes up to 4 hours in the morning to get where she needed to go. This girl got up like every other morning. Alarm going off at 4:45 am, hit the snooze button twice, roll out of bed, brush teeth, get dressed. Next in her routine was to warm up her truck. Since it was still February in Northern Alberta, the temperatures were usually in the low -20 C that early in the morning. Now this girl lived in the city and would start her truck with one set of keys, lock the door and 15 minutes later open the truck with the second set of keys she kept in her house. Not this day. Start the truck and 15 minutes later, realize that both sets of keys are now locked in the running vehicle. She panicked and tried to logically think of what to do next. She called AMA to see how long it would take to get  a locksmith down to open her vehicle. The nice lady on phone said it would take up to 90 minutes to get someone there! Well at 5:30 am and having to be 300 km away in 3 hours, she didn't have the time to wait. She then decided to call a cab to get to work and leave the truck running until it ran out of gas. Yup, all the intelligent brain power she had, that was the only thing she could think of. The truck it turned out would run for 10 hours before running out of gas, another 5 hours after that for the battery to run dead, and only in the 16th hour would she come home to deal with a dead, out of gas truck that had both sets of keys locked inside. Not a good way to start or end a day...