Sunday 1 June 2014

Tarot Card Experience

So today was an absolutely gorgeous day outside today! So I called up by friend and told her that we NEEDED to go out and enjoy the day. I promptly (20 minutes later) got out of bed, showered, brushed teeth, remembered to eat breakfast, and rode my bike over to her house. From her house we decided to go to the farmers market since it was Saturday and I have never went.

We walked the 3 km to the farmers market, heard some good street performers on the violin, guitar and even the bagpipes, and some not so good yodeling, free samples of flavored butters, perogy hybrid food in a yummy dill sauce, and for early desert, frozen chocolate cheesecake on a stick! Yup you heard it right. Cheesecake Chocolate. On a stick!

After wondering around the shops and buying $150 worth of books we decided to head back to the house. Well before we did that, Cha Island, one of our favorite local spots for amazing waffles and drinks, we stopped and had a tequila sunrise and a meitia, while we discussed the merits of buying sidewalk chalk, skipping ropes and then Jill trying to convince me to stop at the store next door for a tarot card reading.

I was brought up on a Catholic religion, went to Catholic school for four years and then decided to explore the Christian side (which I still am not able to discern too much of a difference between the two religions but supposedly there is a BIG difference) throughout high school. Maybe this history with religion made me really skeptical of the tarot card reading. Actually in fact I was nervous about it and almost decided against going, but that’s what friends do, push you to try new and different things. 

After having our olfactory senses assaulted with scented candles burning and incense everywhere, the overly cheerful owner came up to us and started to rattle off the many specials they had that day on cleansing rocks, certain tarot cards decks, and more candles for sale. Shortly afterwards, she said they had a special guest at the store that day, a local tarot reader that also did magic tricks. He came out and treated us with a mini show, making coins disappear and rubber balls multiply. It was entertaining and quickly put a smile on our faces in the mystery of his tricks. After the show we both signed up for his private tarot readings. I admittedly was nervous but also a little excited to try it. 

The first thing I though of when I stepped into the room was, ‘ok, kinda creepy and weird’, since the first thing that Ian the reader did was turn off the lights, have a single candle burning and low music on in the back ground. He was a pretty easygoing guy and quickly set me at ease by going into the spiel about what to do and what the cards are supposed to do.

He placed many cards in my hand until I bid him stop and the top card was for me to look at and try to understand how it makes me feel. Afterwards I was to put the card facedown in the middle of the table while the rest of the stack was put away.

First thing he did was to clos his eyes and placed his hands over the card and said that he was getting an image of a ‘red-haired raggedy Anne type of doll’. It was crazy he said that because just earlier that day Jill and I were talking about Chucky and that she wants to dress up as him for Halloween this year and how creeped out I still am by my childhood nightmare. Which I still have an unhealthy fear of dolls to this day.

That was weird and how could he possible now of this but this was just the beginning of the session and I was interested in what else he had to say.

Right away he also said he was getting an impression of wearing gloves, which for my job I wear constantly. He said work gloves like the big leather ones, which is close enough considering most people, do in my profession I just prefer to wear latex gloves when taking oil samples. 

My supervisors, according to this guy, look on me with respect and are happy with my work. Within the next 3 months at work I will be given an opportunity to further my career with being given more responsibility and I will then have to make a choice whether or not to take it. It isn’t necessarily for financial gain but will lead to it eventually. Also about work, he said that I wouldn’t be good at a desk job. And that is very true! He said that I could do a mix of desk and other work but nothing in the sales department, especially when having to go into peoples faces and saying ‘Buy this, and buy it now!’ I don’t like going into stores with those type of salesmen so, yeah, I don’t think I could ever do anything like that! And desk jobs suck! You stare at a computer screen for eight hours a day, how do people NOT go insane by this?!

Ian also said that I get frustrated with people who are procrastinators. This is very true. I get sick and tired of people who won’t do things as quickly as I would like and therefore have the mentality that ‘if you want it done right, do it yourself’ but yet I am one of the biggest procrastinators out there! It’s very contradictory, I know but that IS how I think and how would this total stranger know this about me?

He felt a masculine aura around me, and then asked if I was with someone. I currently am not dating anyone but have a good friend, Trevor, who I usually hang out with at least once if not twice a week with, this could be the ‘presence’ he felt. But within the next month and a half I will meet someone who has a calming effect on me and I will feel a connection to in the pit of my stomach. If we do not work out the first time, this mysterious person will come back around and we will meet again one day. (I really hope this part comes true! I would like to have a boy in my life again!)

 He guessed that I was thinking about buying a house. I am young but really looking forward to owning my own house where I can do whatever I want, have a yard and garden and a dog! 

Really paraphrasing now because I have a horrible memory but he was saying something along the line that I like stability in my life and enjoy the fruits of it, but once it gets to stable that I want/need change. That is the truest thing he said! Anything I do, once I stop learning and things become routine, I get tired of it quickly and need a change of scenery, whether its changing jobs, or moving cities, or a lifestyle change. 

Some of these things that he said were spot on! Like the procrastinator stuff and the fact that I wear gloves for work! Oh and the doll thing, that’s really f**cking creep. * shudder *  dolls….

I don’t know if I would say I believe in tarot cards or fortune telling, but it was a really neat experience that I would like to do again one day and then compare what the two people have to say, see if there’s any overlap and if the calming guy comes into my life by the end of summer!!