Sunday 7 December 2014

Torture in the Desert

Unending- unrelenting-suffocating.

There is absolutely no escape. Feeling of being trapped,squeezed in on all sides, and not being able to find the way out. You just wish it would stop!

Hours tick by.

You can see the stars from where You lay, as they shine brilliantly overhead. Soon they cloud over.

Hours tick by.

The stars are out again. One small blessing of this torture is to see the stars, starring out into the enormity of the sky; feeling that your own troubles and misfortunes are small compared to the enormity of the universe.

Although your grief is shared with at least three others, you wonder if they were lucky enough to fall into a dreamless oblivation, consumed by exhaustion.

Hours tick by.

A new sensation.

A sensation if small bites and something small, possibly multiple legged, is crawling all over your half naked body. In the dark your imagination runs wild at what this new torture could be.

Finally as the dark starts to fade with the prospect of a new day, the feeling of complete nothingness envelops your body and mind. Finally sleep comes gratefully into your open arms.

An hour or two go by in the black of unconsciousness.

But you slowly awake, bleary eyes open and you feel that suffocating presence yet again and it's getting worse every minute.

You feel that second sensation as well, the one that bites and your imagination thought was a many legged, menacing fanged thing. Well reality wasn't too far off. Hundreds, possibly even thousands of ants cover every space, your body, the blankets, the walls.

You fully awake and quickly gather your things, running away from the relentless ants and hopefully away from that endless suffocating heat.

Welcome to the desert.