Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Coward

Where is my boldness?
Even with the so called "liquid courage" it doesn't come.

Drinking till the room starts to spin
I still can't get my nerve up to make the first move.

When at night, after hours of alcohol induced conversation or a three hour movie, my move may come.
Come in the way of a gentle  arm stroke or slight positioning of the leg to touch yours.

But where is the daring move to make contact wih your expressive mouth? Where all I want to do is pour my feeling into you.

The threat that I will be rejected is to strong.
Too strong so then I become that I become the coward.
Fawning in the night of what may have been... Instead of acting and making the dream into a reality.

But the nights we have spent together...
Intimately, holding each other in the late hours,
That is the thought that lingers with me, day and night.

Your strong arms wrapped right around me,
 squeezing me closer everytime I make the slightest move
Making me think that you're scared that I might move to far away for you to reach.

But that is not the case.
All I wish is to be closer to you
Emotionally, physically, intellectually.

To make me happier then I have ever been, all I need is a text that has you're name on it. Having that slight knowledge that YOU want to talk to ME of all people.

Just let me in
I'm begging you.
It's starting to hurt every time I look at you

Your dimpled smile,
The expressive face,
The curly hair that you so easily get annoyed with,
Eyes that captivate me,
The crooked grin when you're about to pull a prank,
The way you walk with a purpose in every step,
The joy you get of talking about your passion.

Considering you are willing to spend so much time with me,
Can't you just let me in?
I just want to kiss you, hug you, hold you, make you smile that dimpled grin.

Oh how I want to be the one to make you feel this way.
But alas the coward with on prevails,
Making me stand in the background of your life,
Just another passing person, another name to be remembered and then forgotten.

And so it goes...

We will continue with our pretense that the night before Never happened.
Smiling, laughing, being good friends during the day.
And my heart, just hoping against hole that you will stop by,
Hoping that you will make the first move, to lean over and kiss me,
Because the coward inside,
The fear of being rejected,
Is too prevalent for me to do anything about these feelings I have for you.