Tuesday 25 October 2016

18 Years

I can’t believe that it’s already been 18 years since I’ve seen you last Conan. I look back and I remember sitting at the kitchen table eating supper with you, and how you would eat tablespoons full of peanut butter at a time. You were my big brother and my protector. You would protect me from all the world’s evil, and especially the evil of an other sister, or when you would protect me from grandpa Joe’s wrath when he knew one of us grandkids were playing on his tractor but wasn’t sure which one.  Between you and sister, you taught me how to play the Nintendo and would double bounce me on the trampoline. You had endless patience when it came to playing the make believe games of a seven year old.

There are so many things I wonder about. If you were still here, would you have a family? A wife? Would I have more nieces or nephews? Would you have travelled? Would we have gone on grand adventures together? Where would you work? Where would you live; the Okanagan or back home in the Peace Country or even in another country?

There are so many ‘what ifs’ and none of them can be answered. It still hurts to this day that you had to leave us, but one thing I know for sure is that you loved me and our family, and everyday you are missed by so many of us down here on Earth, and that we all still love you, no matter how much time goes on.