Tuesday 15 July 2014

Moving = Suckage!

I have now moved 9 times in the past 5 years. That's 1.8 moves per year or on average every 6.5 months. From this experience I can tell you that I absolutely HATE moving!! The only reason I will ever move again is if my house burns down or I win a million dollars.

Things I have learnt in the past 5 years:
    1. Having a truck makes moving so much easier!
    2. A dolly is the best investment ever.
    3. Owning couches suck-ass! And moving them up 3 flights of stairs is even worse.
    4. I have lost more jewelry, shoes, and clothes than I can remember owning.
    5. You find out who your true friends are (even if you do have to bribe them with beer and pizza).
    6. By the fifth move you're ready to throw away half the shit you own even if you use it every day         just so you won't have to repack it in 6 months.
    7. keep the boxes that expensive things like palystations and 60" TV's come in. Makes moving these delicate things a bit easier.
   8. You can easily live off of one bag of clothes, one pot, a couple of knives and forks, and a bowl. No need to be materialistic.

Well I moved on the July long weekend so come this winter I will be due for another move! Wish me luck.

Monday 7 July 2014

Ode to Jade City

I recently went on a road trip up to Northren BC to a town called Jade City. I currently live in the capital of Alberta and first thing I can say is that I'm not a city person. I was born and raised in small towns and acreages, and not used to 730,000 people. The community has a celebration for the longest day of the year, we had a few drinks and by the end of the night I was a little tipsy to say the least. The next morning this is the Ode I found that I must have wrote the previous night.

Jade city. A town of 35 permanent residence and a summer boom of 45. A town where everybody knows everyone, you show up at the neighbors house unannounced on a quad to see if they want to join you on a last minute trek up the mountain. Where you can go to the local restaurant in greasy work clothes and breakfast is already made for you, hot and steaming in your usual place since the cooks knew you were coming in.  

One persons problem is everyone's problem and the locals will help you out whether it's to fix your roof, dig a new shitter or drink a beer on the porch on a hot summers evening. 

This is a place that I could call home. Small and personal, rubbing elbows with 5 or 95 year olds. Joking, sharing secrets, sharing your life with not just one special person but with the town. Each person contributes to the spirit and livelihood that makes the town unique and special, connecting to my very soul.  

 The people are genuine. Not caring what you think of them and willing to show you around even if they don't know you. Ask any of them a question and they won't hesitate to answer if they know it or bullshit you and make you look gullible of they don't know. Each individual has a unique personality that you quickly grow to love and expect the quirkiness every time you meet them.  

 I haven't been here long but already going to miss the hospitality of Claudia and Robin, Guys backyard quadding adventures, Scrappy Larry's ghost town tours, Kendra's bubbly personality, R2's ability to motivate people into playing semi organized sports, teaching kids to play baseball, Kylee's baked goods, Gus' musical abilities and the vocal talents of the infamous Wes!  

 Farewell for now the residence of Jade City. This will have to do for now. If I could I would stay for much longer but unfortunately I am only on a short vacation from my life in a city where one person can be lost in a sea of many. A job takes over your life when really all you want to do is live your life with a quad under you, a dog running along side and a whole town that are closer to being family than friends at arms length. My heart and soul belong to you, this tiny town nestled in between snow capped mountains will now always be my home away from home.