Tuesday 15 July 2014

Moving = Suckage!

I have now moved 9 times in the past 5 years. That's 1.8 moves per year or on average every 6.5 months. From this experience I can tell you that I absolutely HATE moving!! The only reason I will ever move again is if my house burns down or I win a million dollars.

Things I have learnt in the past 5 years:
    1. Having a truck makes moving so much easier!
    2. A dolly is the best investment ever.
    3. Owning couches suck-ass! And moving them up 3 flights of stairs is even worse.
    4. I have lost more jewelry, shoes, and clothes than I can remember owning.
    5. You find out who your true friends are (even if you do have to bribe them with beer and pizza).
    6. By the fifth move you're ready to throw away half the shit you own even if you use it every day         just so you won't have to repack it in 6 months.
    7. keep the boxes that expensive things like palystations and 60" TV's come in. Makes moving these delicate things a bit easier.
   8. You can easily live off of one bag of clothes, one pot, a couple of knives and forks, and a bowl. No need to be materialistic.

Well I moved on the July long weekend so come this winter I will be due for another move! Wish me luck.

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