Monday 4 August 2014

First Love, The Poisonous Prescience

Seeing you always tears at my inner soul. We only had a short fleeting time together but our time and consequently your prescience has been imprinted on my soul. It has been 14 months since the last time I seen you, and three years since we meant more to each other then just casual acquaintances.  You seem to have moved on but I am still stuck in the past. Social media drags on this fact from time to time with your posts such as, “[Grateful] for meeting Mai and having the opportunity to spend yesterday night and this morning with her”. We all know what this suggests and entails and it shouldn’t have, but did, pierce me right to my heart. I wish I could just forget you, with your bright, inquisitive blue eyes, your ability to make me feel wanted, the humor and way you would made me laugh. These thoughts and memories always come flooding back when I start to feel lonely and in turn makes me miss you all over again. I have tried deleting you out of my digital life by blocking you on facebook and deleting your number from my phone, and moving 500 kilometers away but I am nothing but a weak human being, selfish and yearning for that feeling, only lasted a few months before I gave in and let you into my life again. Every time your text tone goes, I get giddy, a thrill running through my body knowing that you are taking the time out of your life, wanting to hear my thoughts.

STOP!! No more dwelling on times past. Nothing can come of it. It’s time to forget about the high school crush, and first time love; time for another clean sweep from facecbook, cell phone, facetime, twitter, MSN and other media. Out of sight out of mind, take the temptation away. Lobotomize the memories of us, scrub the heart, cleanse the soul of your poisonous prescience. 

Sigh, if only it were as easy as deleting the browser history on your computer. Oh well, time to put my big girl pants on. Time to stop being the introverted hermit I am, and time to pretend that I am an extrovert, push myself to go to social setting and meet someone who will be worth my time and thoughts. Someone who will go out of the way to see how my day is going and to try and make it better. There has to be someone out there for me, or so I am hoping….

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