Sunday 19 January 2014

The Cliff Side

Standing alone at the edge of a cliff no one is waiting around to see whether you will jump or just standing there admiring the view. The feeling of being truly alone. 
There are times that there would be nothing better then to jump of that cliff to get away from it all. but yet you don't and you can't. There are too many people out there depending on you. A friend in need of a hand to hold onto while slipping off the edge, a sister that is standing on her own cliff top. A mother thats fighting demons in an empty battle field, without any other comrades to help her. I want to be there for everyone but it's impossible. When trying to help one person cling to the side of the mountain, the other slips and falls. There's always a casualty no matter what you do. Instead of bearing that weight of knot being there for them, helping them regain their balance, sometimes it would just be easier to finally take that jump. I would hope for a soft landing and maybe, just maybe there would be someone waiting to catch me! It would be a nice change to finally be able to lean on someone else instead of always being the pillar others can push against to get a better grip and put they're safety rods in. After a time that pillar will fracture, become unstable, yet those who have been using it for years will try to use that pillar one last time and it will shatter under the weight. They won't realize what has happened to it, but it can only be pushed so far, only take so much weight before it crumbles and becomes nothing but a memory in the ruins.

Is there anyone out there that would be my support? My pillar? The helping hand on the cliff side? A boat to come save me from this island that I find myself on? I hope there is because I am in need of one.

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