Sunday 4 May 2014

May the Fourth be With You


Ya you read that right, there is a full day just for the Star Wars franchise and all us fans and fanatics out there. And there is a lot to celebrate, six amazing movies (although no matter what the original trilogy will always be the best) and now this is old news but still exciting when Disney announced the next three movies in the series. Unfortunately the sad part is the episode VII won't be released until December 2015. A couple cool little tid bits if you didn't already know: JJ Abrams is the director who is said to be sticking to the mythology and the universe that George Lucas created that we all love and enjoy, in the universe that has created religions based on the jedi zen.

The original cast of Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and don't forget Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker will be starring in the film along side a new cast of unspecified characters or plot. Also the original composer John Williams will be conducting and composing the music, which is just as important as the actors themselves.

All of you Star Wars fans will already know this and probably a lot more then I do, but for all the minor fans that just enjoy the films, hope you learned a couple new things.

Well I'm off to watch Episode IV, enjoy the rest of this force filled day! 

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