Tuesday 27 May 2014

Social Circles and Pet Peeves

I believe people need to get back to the basics, old school methods of reading and writing, and the ability to talk to people! Yes, computers, email, smartphones and all the technology that surrounds us is a great way to communicate with people around the world, but we, as a society are loosing the ability to communicate with the people around us, whether its the person on the bus or bumping into someone at the post office. I'm an introvert so I too have a problem talking to strangers but to break this cycle I push myself out of my comfort zone and actually try to talk to people on the street, the store, or wherever I am at the time.

Being an introvert I also spend a lot of time on the computer, checking Facebook and reading secrets of the 'Whisper' app. One of my biggest pet peeves is all the spelling mistakes!! Like really people, didn't you ever go to elementary? Learning the difference between their, there, and they're or you versus you're or any basic punctuation. And what's worse is reading all the epic typing fails in social media is when, every once in while, seeing typing errors in published books. One series that is full of spelling mistakes (meaning like 10 which is a lot considering its PUBLISHED material that hundreds of people have read) is the Fifty Shades of Grey series.

So my little message to people is to spell check and proof read your work! Yes mistakes will still happen but it will happen less. And while you're at it, talk to the guy behind the till next time you buy groceries. You never know, that person might become your best friend, boy/girl-friend, or worst enemy, but you will never know until you expand your mind and social circle.

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