Saturday 10 May 2014

The Ritual of Going Out - A Boys Guide to the Woman's Mind

To all of the men out there…. pay attention this is what woman are thinking as they get ready while they're getting ready to go out.

Step 1: Find a Girlfriend.
     Yes it's fun to go out with your boyfriend. But there is nothing like the fun of getting ready with a girlfriend. And I am talking about a friend that is a girl to the other girl. So boys stop thinking about the 3-way.There is nothing more fun than getting ready and having fun with a girl friend.

Step 2: Pick out Outfit
    Men, Yes i know that it doesn't take you guys very long to get ready, a shower if you even bother with that, put on a button up shirt, nice jeans and a little gel if your one of those guys who even have enough hair to do that, and poof, your done. Girls on the other hand. Half hour shower. Debate on outfit with said girlfriend from step 1. An hour and 20 outfits later, step 2 complete. 

Step 3: Hair
Hair is the second most important step in getting ready for the night. Boys you really don't' seem to care that much about it, considering again the 30 seconds it takes to put gel in yours. But remember that as women we have a lot of hair. First out of the shower it needs to be blown dry, then curled/straightened, hairspray, mouse, wax, bobby-pins, hair clips, extensions, braids, and elastic bands. 

Step 4: Make-up
There are a bunch of studies and surveys that say that guys like the ‘natural’ look, but what they really want is the light make-up that highlights the beauty already on a women. We girls try to obtain that look without putting on too much and looking like Mimi off of the Drew Carey Show, and going completely without make-up. It’s a fine line between the two and can sometimes take a long time, and many trials before it works.

Step 5: Shoes and Accessories 
You would think that shoes would be an extension to the outfit, but alas the shoes are one of the most important things. Women need something that makes a statement, not for the guys she’s going out with but for the girls who will see them. It’s hard to find the perfect of shoes that will both match the outfit, and be comfortable enough for the evening to come. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings are all terrible things to figure out to wear. If the hair is up then long earrings are better, but not too long or else the girl will be all neck. Bangles and noisy bracelets? Or classic clean simple gold or silver chain? Matching necklace? Or something that stands out to draw the eye of the guy to the neck/cleavage area? 

Step 6: Go Out

Men everywhere, after waiting for your girl for an extra hour you must admit that she looks stunning! So no complaining when it takes extra time for a girl to go from work or the gym to being the astonishing person that is before you. She will make your night if you have the patience to wait, while you play Angry Birds on your phone. 

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