Monday 23 November 2015

Dear Brown Leather Boots

It was love at first sight! As soon as I saw you looking all fine up there in that window front, I knew that I just had to get to know you better. Unfortunately  I was just a poor- broke - university student. I didn't have the cash to take you out of the at window front, so I said good-bye, just for now.

I scrimped and saved, ate Kraft Dinner for every meal for a three weeks straight!Even my skin was starting to turn a sickly orange colour. I collected pop bottles from home, from my parents and even offered to clean up after every party so I could keep all those precious 5 cent bottles. When asked to go out for wing Wednesdays and a few drinks I would always reply with 'no thanks - I have homework'. I did have the work, but Brown Boots, you were the real reason i didn't go out. You were never far from my thoughts.

Christmas came and that's where I finally got enough to take you out! I ran to the store, when I got there, you were missing from the display! My heart and hopes sunk to the pit of my stomach. I couldn't believe that you were gone so I went into the store anyway, on the hope that you might just be hiding from me.

As I walk into that store, a small bell tinkling over the door announcing my arrival. That tinkle made me have hope once more. And there you were! Moved from the window front to a towering display with overhead lights shining on you, my perfect, precious Brown Leather Boots!

I hurried over to you and requested the sales clerk to get a size nine for me. Even waiting that extra two minutes for them to go to the back, near broke my heart from anticipation. Finally you came! I put you one and you were absolutely perfect! From your spiked 2 inch heal, to the way you hugged my foot and rode up to the perfect height up my calf. This was love like i've never felt before! I put both of you on and headed to the cash register, you were mine and I was going to walk out with you!

After my 30 minute walk home, I was in pain! You were breaking my heart, Brown Boots. you hugged my feet but also squeezed a little too much at my toes, to the point they were purple once I got home. I tried to get you out again, looking fine with a little black dress and dinner with friends, but alas, you were just out to hurt me again.

Time and time again, I tried. I loved you so much, but the pain was just too great. If you love something you let it go right? So I am letting you go Boots, I hope to see you someday soon, and I hope the next person to pick you up, will love you as much as i did.

Your First Love.

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