Saturday 14 November 2015

Worthless city

So you ever feel like you just don't belong? Living somewhere where you know that if you just didn't show up for class or work that people wouldn't even notice? Ya me neither

This new chapter of my life so far has been one of the worst. I've been through some terrible things with the death of my brother, parents divorcing, sister running away, a step mother who I didn't get along with at all. I dealt with the tragedy of my brother and I miss him everyday and once in awhile I will cry for him because I miss him so much or laugh at the times we spent together and how amazing it was to have a big brother looking out for me. I got over it because of my family. And my friends. 

The divorce of my parents wasn't really that bad. I mean it sucked but soon came into a routine of living at dads and seeing mom every weekend. I could live with that because I had friends to rely on and vent to when it was tough to live with separated parents. 

Living with my step mother, that was the hard one because it lasted 7 years and it really never did get better between us. But this living in a new city so far away from all my friends and family is the second hardest thing I've had to live through. 

I moved to this city for school. It was the only school that accepted my college diploma transfer completely and I wouldn't have to take any extra classes so that I will have a degree in 2 more years. I didn't think it would be that bad. I've moved around before. The first time I moved 500 km from home just because I got a job, and that turned out fine. School should be even easier. Going to the same classes with mates and getting to know and meet new people. 

Well it's been 3 months now. I don't like this city, still don't know anybody well enough to text and say "let's go get coffee". No family. It's hard. Maybe it's the introvert in me making it even harder to become friends as a grown up but man it just sucks! I've never been a big downer, I'm usually a pretty optimistic person and outgoing. But this place is slowly sucking the life and happiness from me. 

I can't wait for school to be over. Luckily I only have to survive another month before I can go home for the Christmas holidays. 5 more months before summer comes and I can get my old job back and enjoy summer. And another 13 months before I'm totally down with school and never ever looking back at this city and not doing the school thing again. 

As I said at the beginning. If I just stopped showing up for class, it would be over two weeks before anyone started questioning it. I can go for 3 days without even seeing or talking to my roommates. I could just easily disappear and nobody within 400 km would care. Now that makes a person feel worthless. 

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