Wednesday 4 November 2015

School Again...

I'm back in school yet again.

Being out of college and in the real work of the working class, it's hard to get back into the swing of things. I miss the days of getting home from work and ______. That blank represents nothing! I got to go home and do absolutely nothing if I wanted to! Sit on the couch and eat chips while watching netflix. That was the life.

But now, with my 26 hours of class per week involves close to an additional 20 hours of homework after class, or more when midterms near. There are hundreds of pages of reading, assignments with 48 hour deadlines, projects that you don't really fully understand how to do but yet are required to finish by 9 am the next day. Don't forget about papers and in every class, they require a different set up and different citation expectations, and with those papers, whatever else you do, DO NOT plagiarize. I went to an archery club meeting recently and they members asked me to stay but I said I couldn't because of my paper. "Just get one off the internet," said he. Well he was an older man and didn't realize that there is a website called that will go through every database out there and compare your report to that of every other paper and will judge the percent of your paper that is the same as anything else. And if you ever did plagiarize, well you get kicked out of school!

Many late nights and sleepless early morning hours have been spent in computer rooms finishing projects and fighting with computers that don't want to connect to the printer, or computers that suddenly turn off and you forgot to save the past three hours of work on it! All college is is one long period of perpetual stress. Stress of homework, GPA, tests, assignments, clean clothes, stress of not eating properly because you forgot how much it sucked not having money to buy the good healthy food and have now eaten KD for the last 6 nights in a row.

In another 2.5 years, I hope to hell I land that amazing job that pays 80 K a year and will never have to think about going back to school again!

Wish me luck on being an adult in school.

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