Friday 10 April 2015

30 Day Challenge

Hello dear make believe Readers.

It’s been a –r-e-a-l-l-y- long time since last I got to write. First off there was my trip of a life time, two months Down Under going all over Australia and New Zealand in the heat of their summer. It was nice but also extremely weird to have Christmas with the sun blazing and being +41 C and swimming in a lake versus my traditional Christmas of snow, family, turkey, and more snow. But for all the travellers out there, I say you have to go to New Zealand one day! One of the most spectacular places ever. I fell in love with that country, but more of this trip to come in later blogs but first….

…. This is me starting the 30 day blog/writing challenge. Every year, for my New Years Resolution I always say that I’m going to write more. And every consecutive year, this resolution fails. Mostly because I will sit down to write then I get distracted. My mom believed that I had ADD when I was a kid, but really I think that it’s just that small things are amusing and can take my attention away from whatever task it is that I’m trying to accomplish. Plus cell phones going off and every one of you out there has to admit that facebook also takes your attention, or Pintrest, or instagram, or whatever social media that you enjoy.

So speaking of Pintrest I found the 30 day blog challenge:
Day 1. Bullet your whole day
Day 2. Something you feel strongly about
Day 3. A book you love
Day 4. Five ways to win your heart
Day 5. Things you want to say to an ex
Day 6. Your views on mainstream music
Day 7. Five pet peeves
Day 8. What you ate today
Day 9. How important you think education is
Day 10. Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play
Day 11. Your family
Day 12. Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
Day 13. Five guys whom you find attractive
Day 14. What you wore today
Day 15. Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality
Day 16. Something you always think “what if…” about
Day 17. Something that you’re proud of
Day 18. A problem that you have had
Day 19. Five items you lust after
Day 20. Your fears
Day 21. How you hope your future will be like
Day 22. Your academics
Day 23. Something that you miss
Day 24. Five words/phrases that make you laugh
Day 25. Something you’re currently worrying about
Day 26. Things you like and dislike about yourself
Day 27. A quote you try to live by
Day 28. Somewhere you’d like to move to or visit
Day 29. Five weird things that you like
Day 30. One thing you’re excited for

Some of these topics are going to be a little hard, some of them will be fun, but I think that if I am diligent then I will know myself better by the end of it. I hope that I actually have the will power and persistent attitude I need to complete this challenge. Wish me luck.  

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