Sunday 12 April 2015

Day 2. Something I Feel Strongly About

The one thing that believe in completely, is that everyone should live on their own. Not necessarily alone, roommates sure, but no relatives! And absolutely no parents.

When I was at work, we got a new field guy. We would need to wash our coveralls once in awhile because they would be covered in oil, grease, mud, excreta, and so I went to show him where the washer was and then he preceded to ask me how to wash clothes. I was flabbergasted! Here’s a 30-something guy who has NEVER washed a load of laundry in his life! He lived with his parents the first couple of years out of high school and then he met his wife and moved straight in with her. And clearly has yet to learn the basics of life.

I also was in a town house with another person who must have been momma’s little girl. She was 23 and in her second year of college when we were sharing a town house together. She was a great person to share a house with. Never complained about noise if we had people over, and we got along well, but when it came to house hold things, she was inept. While she lived with me and a couple other girls, we had to teach her how to cook ground beef, boil KD, properly do dishes with hot water (she would always use cold), how to make box cupcakes, and how to generally clean up; vacuum, sweep and mop under the table, make sure that the garbage was taken out. These all seemed like pretty common sense things, but when you live at home where your parents do everything for you, then you’re just not quite ready for the real world just yet.

When you live out on your own, you learn these simple life skills quickly, or else starve or get sick of eating instant noodles. I guess I can’t put the entire blame on the kids who come out of high school without the normal common sense skills that life demands you, it’s more of a problem concerning the parents. Don’t’ baby your kids forever! Get them to help around the house, clean, help with the cooking, do laundry. It never hurt a kid to learn these things. Plus any future roommate, girlfriends, spouses will appreciate that these people learnt how to do these simple things and not have to teach then in their 20s or even older.

Another reason I believe that it is important for people to live by themselves, especially at a young age (after high school or in their twenties), is because it teaches you to be independent. There is nothing more important then to be independent. What happens when people get into long term relationships right out of school and you live with that person, and then one day, in a month, in a year, or 10 years, all of a sudden, this relationship is over and you’re on your own? For most women, they are afraid to be on their own. Afraid that they won’t be able to pay bills, that they will of a sudden fell less attractive or not wanted by men. For guys, well I’m not sure what you think. But what I have noticed with my friends and friends of friends, is that if they are used to long distance relationships, then that’s all they know. When one relationship goes down the toilet, they just hop right into another one and move in with someone new. Before you just head into another living arrangement with the next guy to come around, go live by yourself for a while.

You will learn so much. How much of your own crap you can put up with, how to cook, go pantless as soon as you get home from work, wake up on your day off and say ‘F*&k it, I’m not putting makeup on, or even bother having a shower’, marathon watch Once Upon A Time, Play video games until all hours of the night, take over the living room with your next project, have the whole bed to yourself! There is so much freedom living by yourself. Just try it and then if anything happens in your life you will KNOW that you can and have lived by yourself so you are independent and financially secure enough to do it again!

Good Luck Peeps and hope you can do it.

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