Tuesday 14 April 2015

Day 3 – A Book You Love

This is such a hard topic to discuss. There are just TOO many good books out there!! And most of them are in series…

-       George RR Martin: Song of Fire and Ice
-       Eion Colfer: Artemis Fowl Series
-       Christopher Paolini: Inheritance Circle
-       Patrick Rothfuss: Kingkiller Chronicles
-       Eoin Colfer: Airman
-       Tim Gerald Reynolds: The Riyeria Revelations
-       Scott Meyer: Off to be a Wizard
-       Steven Gould: 7th Sigma
-       Brent Weeks: Lightbringer Series

These are just the books that I have read recently, which whenever I read a new book, it always becomes the “best new book”. I’m sure next month I will have a whole new list.

Since I’ve recently read Red Rising and the sequel Golden Son by Pierce Brown, I will have to write a quick review and explanation of why I LOVE this book. Trust me it’s the next big series out there! As big as the Hunger Games or Divergent.

The reason behind why I even picked this book up was the front quote by Scott Sigler, “Ender, Katniss and now Darrow.” And I believe every word. I loved the Ender’s Game and started reading the Hunger Games when Suzanne Collins had only the first novel out. But Darrow of Red Rising is the next star of the Dystopian genre.

A quick overview of the book finds us on Mars. The Earth is dying and so a group of people were sent to mine precious elements to make Mars inhabitable for humans. Darrow is from a long line of miners. He believed that what he and the other Reds were doing for the greater good for Earth and humans. But one day, he realizes that everything that he’s been told was a lie.

Darrow finds out that the Erath has been inhabitable for generations. And the people inhabiting, are the Golds. The Golds just look down on the lowly Reds, who are nothing more then slave labour, risking their lives expediting elements for the higher ups.

When Darrow realizes all of this, he, with the help of a rebel group, gets Darrow into a school of Golds. He infiltrates their ranks from the inside to help bring order and justice for the Reds, and bring down the Golds. He encounters many battles, hardships, friendships and betrayals. But can he make it through the ranks without getting discovered? Will he be able to bring retribution to his wife, family and the Reds?

I was just flabbergasted with this book! Brilliant, mind boggling, enticing! My review from Goodreads was as follows:

“A bloody damn good book!! Read this one within 3 days and couldn’t put it down. Darrow is the nexr rising star of the hero’s of the novels we love. He’s in league with Katniss, Ender, Tris, and so many others. A must read for everyone!”

I hope you will go out and read this book. it’ll be the best one you read this year!

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